Friday 22 May 2015

Asian Gypsy

The amazing thing about having a mum who loves fashion is that she has so much clothes that I can steal! An extra plus is that she has her own ideas for outfits, so she gets them made in Sri Lanka because it's easy. When I saw this gypsy skirt that she had, I immediately fell in love. Perfect timing really since summer is practically here in England. It's warm enough that you can actually go out without having a massive winter coat on, or scarves and gloves, which is pure bliss (of course, only when the sun is actually out!) Mum was nice enough to give me this and luckily summer is the time for maxi and gypsy skirts. You can wear this with a different coloured top, which I tried to do and then realised the only vest tops I have are either black or grey, so I'm definitely going to need to buy various colours to add to my wardrobe. A simple tee would go well with the skirt too, just to give it a different effect. I've linked great maxi skirts that I've come across online that would be perfect for your summer wardrobe! I haven't seen any gypsy ones as of yet, but I'm still looking!


Lots of love, 

Emily xx


1 comment

  1. Skirts are trending these days way too much and I have been to get one for myself as well because they look really cool and pretty.


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