When I first turned to blogging in 2014, I was so worried about the fact that I didn't look like a model or any of the women who were already in this industry. They all had these killer looks and great facial expressions, things that I just don't have. My resting bitch face is nowhere near as nice as all the other blogger girls. But I thought I'd have to master that in order for anyone to genuinely take me seriously.
Yet something I've come to realise in recent months is that smiling or laughing in your photos is much more character-showing than trying to put on a straight face or be really artsy about my look.

I've always been a smiley person. Since I was little, that's what everyone around me used to say. "You're always so happy." And it's true, I've always been a positive, happy person even at my worst times. Even when I'm not feeling it on the inside, I make sure that on the outside I eject as much positivity as I can because I don't want anyone else to be effected by my internal mood. (Unless I'm at home, which is where I'm most comfortable and free to be a little moody when necessary.)
The reason behind the smile is that I want to make the people around me happy but also, for a selfish reason, I just want to be happy. And there's nothing wrong with that. Making your happiness a priority is probably the most important thing you could do for yourself. Every time you laugh or smile, that feeling you get just stays with you. It's the best medicine there is and you can't deny it.
Every time I've shot images for a blogpost, I felt like I need to be really serious or put my head down because I don't like my facial expressions. But as I load the photos into my laptop or they get sent to me, I find that I always have these really goofy ones of me laughing like an absolute idiot. Head thrown right back, mouth wide open idiocy. And they do make me laugh because I know that's just how I am. So I make sure to post at least one in a post or on my Instagram, just to try and break up that feeling of needing to be really serious. Because let's face it, I'm not that serious. I'm an utter child. And people who know me best know that.
I've decided to embrace that a smile or a laugh might be a better way of showing who I am, rather than pictures where I hide my face or try to be serious. I'll probably continue to do those things anyway but will try to move away from it just for positivity.
We are all picky when it comes to how we look in photos or what is the right one to post, what's going to get the most likes and it's a problem in my eyes. We should just post what we like, with whatever facial expression because it's what we, personally, prefer. So pick the smiley, goofy photo every once in a while or that really serious one that you think people may laugh at you for, but the reality is they won't. Either which way, you're beautiful.
Outfit: Dress - a little shop in Sri Lanka (similar here, here & here) / Shoes - Converse / Earrings - Aldo (smaller size & larger size)
Photos: Upandha Udalagama
The other important thing is: You control your happiness. No one or thing can change your mood, only you can. Yes people say or do thinks that can bring our mood down, but it's your choice whether or not you let that really effect you. My advice is just smile. Smiling alone can put you in a better mood, trust me. Or find that one thing that makes you laugh without fail, like that one episode of Friends or The Office, or a gif, a song, a music video. Whatever it may be, find it, make yourself laugh or smile and voila, the positivity kicks in. And start your day with positivity. I can't stress this enough. Even if you don't want to get out of bed or you're not feeling 100%, find something that you can look forward to or set yourself something to do. Just make that first thought of the day a really good one because it will give you that boost.
As I move ahead with my blog and try to deliver new content every week (hopefully more than once), I hope to make this space one of pure light, fun and positivity. So yes I'll probably go on and on about how being happy is so important but that may be for my own good. I may need to talk myself into it because we all have bad days. It could get boring or you might even enjoy it. But just stick with me okay? I swear it'll be worth it.
Lots of love,
Emily xx
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