Wednesday 15 April 2020

Lockdown Life: Things I’m Grateful For And Won't Take For Granted Anymore

I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude; giving thanks for what I have. I have been actively doing this for nearly a year now, listing things that I’m grateful for everyday, sometimes writing them down. I’ve made it a habit and it helps me to see the good in every day, even if it’s been a bad one. At an uncertain time like this, we are definitely left to our thoughts and it may be a tricky time for some or even most.

I watched an Instagram story the other night, from Calum Hood of 5 Seconds of Summer (yes, I’m a big fan and no I do not care what you think on this one) and what he said stuck with me. He said, “be easy on yourself, don’t put too much pressure on yourself in these times and keep being positive moving forward.” What I loved about this was that it was so simple in essence but heavy in it’s meaning. We do need to take the time to make sure that our minds aren’t pressurised.

I know for me I’ve felt constantly during this time that I’ve been so unproductive, that I’m not doing enough, being a bit lazy and so on. In reality, I haven’t been lazy, I’m getting up every morning and working out. After an uneasy sleep last night, a productive my overthinking mind never shutting up, I woke up this morning tired and not having energy to workout. I nearly actually told myself off for it. But then I realised that I should be grateful I’m working out at all regularly during this time.

That brought me to the point of this blogpost; what do I have to be grateful for right now and what will I not take for granted when this is all over.

 I currently have a lot of pictures of the sky in my camera roll

Going Outside

The most simple thing of all that we take for granted normally. As much as I’m a homebody, I’ve realised that I miss the outside. I’m lucky that I have a garden to go out into and a view to admire. My favourite part of my days lately has been sitting outside in the evenings on our wall, drinking tea and having a chat or even just looking at the sky transition from day to night. That fresh air is so welcoming. I even found myself yesterday wanting to go out for a run – I hate running. It’s just the idea of having that freedom to go outside that you no longer have. I’m grateful that I can still go outside, but I won’t ever take for granted after this the freedom to go outside. I’m going to do some exploring after this is all over let me tell you that.

Mum's cooking > everything


When am I not grateful for food? Never. But right now when there might be shortage of products, there are normal purchases that aren’t easy to come by and you’re only allowed a certain amount, I have to be thankful for what we have, what we are able to get and my Mum. My Mum, ladies and gents, has been cooking up an absolute storm in our kitchen and I am truly blessed. She’s made everything from cakes to pies to bread to homemade pasta. Let me tell you, the lady who hated to bake is now baking every day. She’s actively finding recipes that include things that we have readily available at home and is making them so that we are spoilt. And spoilt we are. I’m truly grateful for the luxuries that we have at this time when realistically not everyone may have.


I already missed my friends since a good majority of them live in other countries, but this time makes me miss them more. Now I will tell you, I have cancelled plans in order to stay at home before but I’m vowing after this to not cancel plans – ever. When a friend asks me to hang out or whatever, I’m doing it because when you have to live that social distancing life and Facetime, Whatsapp, DMs, texting and phone calls become your new norm, you miss actually seeing the ugly mugs in front of you. (And yes, I am specifically talking about Tasha, Mel & Grace. If you’re reading this, I bloody miss you lot. I miss all my girls – Upandha, Alizey, Ushma, Sandali, Jamila… the list goes on.) But I’m so grateful that we live in a time when we can connect through that device constantly in our hands or our laptops. I’m grateful as hell for WiFi and social media because without it, it would be a lot harder to stay connected.

People Who Are Still Working & Risking Their Lives To Save Ours

I think we are all grateful for the people who are still doing their duties to ensure that we can keep on living. Medical professionals, law enforcements, food industry workers, scientists working on a cure and so on. While we sit in the comfort of our homes, they are on the frontlines making sure we have everything we need and that is truly a gift. Even one of my best friends is a paramedic and she’s still working – I couldn’t be prouder. We should all take the time every day to say thank you, whether that’s silently or openly by clapping outside of your window, for the people who are still going so that we can come together sooner. We shouldn’t take these people for granted. So think about them for a moment and take the time to think about what you can do for them when this is all over. Maybe don’t use and abuse the privileges that you have if you don’t need to. Give them a big old smile when you see them. Say thank you, even for the smallest thing or for nothing at all. Let them know that you are grateful for their service.

There’s a whole lot more that I’m thankful for, but I wanted to leave it with these because they are the biggest things for me right now and are at the forefront of my mind. I would love to know what you are grateful for right now and what you won’t take for granted when this period is over. Drop comments below, let’s have a conversation. And again, if you need an extra friend, I’m here for you!

Sending you lots of love and hoping you’re staying safe!

And don’t forget to be grateful.

Emily xx


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