Friday 3 April 2020

Here's What I've Been Up To This Week In Lockdown

Outfit: Top - Primark (old) / Sweatpants - Hudson & Rose (old)

Happy Friday everyone! How has your week been?

I don't know how long you've maybe been social distancing, self isolating or in a mandated quarantine/lockdown but I hope you're doing well. This is officially, by government regulation, my third week of lockdown. But unofficially, we pretty much started social distancing in our house about a month or so ago. I actually can't even remember the date, but I'd say we've been in this for about a month in terms of distancing. But full on lockdown has been in place here in Colombo since March 17th. It's long time, let's be honest. We're not used to this kind of thing at all, none of us. It can get difficult even though we're just being told to sit at home. 

For us, we're not even allowed a break from lockdown to go get groceries - our new normal is trucks, vans and cars coming with deliveries of food for purchase. It's strange. When we hear a car coming round the bend, someone goes to check what it might be. Surreal is definitely the main feeling of this. 

When you can't go to the gym or outside you result to working out in your bedroom. I've been doing this a lot in the mornings to keep the blood flowing.

We're lucky here at our house for a few reasons; My family are bloody nuts so we're always having fun and keeping spirits high, we're blessed with a home with a beautiful view of a lake right in front of us and constant fresh air, we're actually homebodies. However even though we're homebodies, that doesn't mean everyone needs a little break now and then. But we're pushing through. 

I hope you've noticed that since last week I stepped up my blogposts to one every week day! If you've missed out and not caught up, scroll through the last few posts; I've got everything from fashion to beauty to lifestyle and health. Well at least I think I have. I'm stuck now on what else to share with you and I'd love some new ideas!

What would you like to see on the blog? Let me know in the comments or hit me up in my DMs or even via email!

When it's too hot for sweatpants - The reality of lockdown life is big t-shirts and flimsy shorts.

Today's post, I thought I'd just take to reflect and let you know what I've been up to. 

For one, I've been watching a lot on YouTube and I want to take a moment to thank all the creators who are still going forward with their content right now! Honestly, what a blessing that we at home have things to watch for a distraction. I've also discovered a few movies on YouTube, specifically Golden Age movies - I've watch a few Alfred Hitchcock classics such as "To Catch A Thief" & "Dial M For Murder", both starring Grace Kelly who I adore. I've got a few more downloaded to watch, a few Cary Grant, Gregory Peck, Sophia Loren starring ones that I haven't watched yet. I'm actually really enjoying them. I've always believed I should've  lived in the 50's. 

I've been writing a lot too; I always been a writer so when I feel inspired, it's pen to paper or fingers to keys. I've really got lost in it and it's the perfect escape at a time like this. I think we all have an outlet that soothes us like this. I know a lot of people turn to art as well, that'll be my next option. As you can see, I've channelled a lot of my writing energy into my blog. As much as it is for me, it's also for you so I'm hoping you're benefitting too. How are you spending your time? What's been your saving grace on a daily basis? Let's have a conversation in the comments below about what you've been up to!

I've also been singing a lot on my other Instagram account, another habit of mine. Also, I've rediscovered the beauty in just sitting, relaxing and putting your iTunes on shuffle. I have thousands of songs in mine and I'm being thrown from old school jazz to the latest album I've downloaded to songs that remind me of high school. It genuinely makes me quite happy. Anyone else been doing this? 

These shoes were meant for... staying inside for the foreseeable future.

I won't say too much more because you're probably getting bored if you've got to this point. However I do want to end it by encouraging you to keep going. Keep in touch with your friends and loved ones. Discover new passions you've been putting on the back burner or rediscover old ones. Do whatever you can to make yourself happy! It's important that we stay strong mentally at a time like this. And if you need an extra friend, I'm here for you. 

Sending you lots of love and hoping you're staying safe!

Emily xx

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